How to Recover lost Phone

With all the things a person keeps in their person, you will inevitably lose something from time to time. In this case specifically, the important item could be your phone, or perhaps your keys. It’s funny how the simplest things are just some things you cannot live without. If you are one of those people who often loses their things, it’s a good idea to use technology to your advantage by tracking your things. 

Luckily, tracking gadgets and tracking apps exist so you can keep track of your phone and keys. Technology has evolved so much that you can ensure your belongings stay safe under your care, even if you lend them to others. Here are some ways on how to keep track of your phone and keys before you lose them.

1. Phones

It’s stressful when you lose your phone. Nowadays, phones are the most personal devices you could own. And it’s a hassle to replace your phone. Don’t worry, because there are built-in tools on your smartphone that allow you to track it down with ease. Follow these steps and be prepared. 

  • Secure your Lock Screen

Turn on your passcode authentication and fingerprint authentication if your device supports it. Don’t waste your time with facial recognition on Android devices because they can be tricked easily (except for Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL by Google because they have the same system as Apple’s Face ID). This step provides an extra layer of security, so it’s worth having to put in a password every time you unlock your phone. 

  • Turn on the Remote Tracking

Smartphones come with a built-in tool for tracking phones. Android uses Google’s Find My Device, Samsung uses Find my Mobile, and Apple uses Find my iPhone. Enabling these applications can help you track your phone from different devices. For example, you lose your iPhone. When Find My iPhone is turned on, you can use your computer to track down the phone’s location. 

  • File An Insurance Claim 

If you lose your phone, contact your carrier and place a lost or stolen phone report. This step blacklists the stolen or lost phone from the carrier’s database and prevents other people from gaining access to it. 

  • Back-Up The Data on Your Phone

Prepare for the possibility of you losing your phone. Your phone should have a default backup system so you can enable it. You can tweak these solutions to your liking.

2. Keys 

Luckily, civilians can access tracking devices for their belongings. There are various ways to track your keys. How it works is you attach the tracking device to your keys and register it with an app on your phone through Bluetooth. When registration is complete, when you open the app or get out of the object’s range, you can still track its current and past location. You will also receive alerts with the key’s last known location. 

  • Key Finders 

Key Finders are attachable devices that can be enabled via Bluetooth so you can track your keys. It shows your phone’s location by setting off a loud alarm. Many options are available in the market today. Many of them vary in features. Brands like Tile, Chipolo, Mynt, etc., all have great features regarding prices, battery life, and range. Take note that if you want to track many keys, buy key finders in bulk for discounts. Also, find key finders that offer the right kind of range you are looking for such as key trackers for house keys, car keys, etc. 

If you follow these tips, you can relax a little because your keys and phones can be tracked.